From private to workplace and thematic workshops, curated for your needs.
經過寒冷冬天,踏入春天,大自然萬物隨着天氣開始溫暖同濕潤-- 從比較安靜,休息的狀態,再次復甦、生長。
約定2.22 ,在 <<一年之計在於春>> 願景工作坊相遇,支持你更貼近自己需要及內在盼望地生活。
💚 靜坐:從繁忙的生活中暫停下來,回到身體。與內在連結,除了照顧身心,也幫助更貼近內在的需要,支持更深入的回顧和展望。
💚 回顧和展望:帶著靜觀覺察,回看之前一年,看到中間的學習、經驗。讓內在指引,去展望新一年,包括任何想像、期盼和方向。
💚 分享:通過分享和聆聽,可能支持自己,在這年更貼近心之所向。
📅日期和時間:2.22 (六)10am-12pm
📍 地點:網上 zoom
✨適合任何人士,包括沒有靜坐/ 靜觀經驗的朋友。
💰費用:$220/ 每人原價;二人同行優惠,每人 $180
靜觀減壓課程 Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
⭐️科研實証 (evidence-based): 1980年至2023年,關於靜觀的科研文獻超過 16,000份,當中「靜觀減壓課程」是最多實證支持的有效課程。
⭐️安全 (Safety):靜觀帶領以不傷害為原則,導師接受過整全安全性和倫理等訓練,和靜觀與心理創傷(trauma-sensitive mindfulness)相關培訓,致力營造安全環境,和大家一起學習。
「靜觀減壓課程」(Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, 簡稱 MBSR) 由Jon Kabat-Zinn 博士在1979年研發,結合靜觀靜修 (mindfulness meditation) 與科學,一開始為了面對慢性疾病、長期疼痛的人群而設,於美國麻省大學醫學院的減壓門診(Stress Reduction Clinic)提供。現已普及全球,為面對不同壓力的現代人,提升身心健康的體驗式學習和實踐課程。
1980年至2023年,關於靜觀的研究文獻超過 16,000份,當中「靜觀減壓課程」是最多實證支持的有效課程。大量科學研究顯示此課程能幫助參加者應付壓力,減低抑鬱和焦慮情緒,提高免疫能力及認知功能 (如專注力和記憶力) ,改善失眠和長期痛症等。自1997年至今,香港的醫院、學校、企業、社福機構等也逐漸應用靜觀訓練。
靜觀是指有意識地、不加批評地覺察當下的身心狀況和此刻經歷。也學習以好奇、開放的態度,連接身心,幫助了解自己。當有所覺察,就更能選擇以不同方法回應眼前情況,作出智慧的選擇-- 變得更善待自己和身邊的人,活得更輕鬆、自在。
• 有系統地學習各種靜觀減壓修習方法,包括: 靜坐、身體掃描、靜觀伸展、小組討論、分享及家課練習
• 瞭解自己面對壓力的慣性反應,並智慧地選擇如何面對困難
• 加強對溝通模式的覺察,改善人際關係
• 把靜觀融入生活,滋養身心
💚 如你有意照顧身心,例如:
• 舒緩壓力,改善睡眠
• 提升情緒應對能力及促進內心平靜
• 培養自我覺察,了解自己
• 培養對自己和他人的友善
• 提升專注力、創作力及工作表現
📅日期及時間|預備課 + 8節 2.5 小時課堂 + 靜觀日
預備課:12月11日 晚上 7-9pm(網上)和 1月11日上午 10am- 12pm(實體)(參加者須出席其中一節,了解靜觀及確定課程是否合適自己)
八節課堂: 2025年1月18日 - 3月22日 逢星期六 上午10:00-12:30 (2月1日和 2月22日 沒有課堂) + 2月23日(星期日)
靜觀日:3月9日(日) 上午 10:00 - 下午5:00
Workplace Mindfulness and Well-being
Cultivating mindfulness and well-being in your organization is a great way to avoid burnout, reduce stress and healthcare costs; and can contribute to a happier and healthier workplace.
Each session will be customised to suit your organization’s needs in ways that are accessible and inclusive. Themes could include stress reduction, bringing ease to the body, cultivating clarity, mindful communication and more. These sessions can be offered in-person or online.
Mindfulness in school
I love working with young people, often teaching in schools to support their well-being and growth. These are filled with dynamic activities to soothe the body, cultivate awareness, and to better understand the mind and ourselves, equipping them to better navigate the stresses from school and beyond. Strong emphasis is placed on creating a safe and open environment so that young people can feel at ease to explore within, to express how they feel and to listen deeply to others.
Private Sessions
It brings me joy working with students/ clients one-on-one and in small groups. Each session is a co-creation: where I customize it to your intentions and needs, and we dance with whatever emerges in the moment.
The private setting gives a sense of intimacy, and it may include movement-based practices including yoga and qigong, meditation and exploring into your experience. It often includes suggestions for take-home practice too.
Whether you are needing support to ride the storm of anxiety, hoping to find ease and relaxation, looking for ways to develop your practice, or to better understand the body, mind and yourself, this may be suitable for you.
Private sessions are currently being offered in-person in Hong Kong, and online via zoom, please contact me for scheduling and fees.